
Application Form

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

    Work Experience

    Please list your current or previous employer.

    Security License Details

    Preferred Work Hours

    Please tell us your availability and/or your preferred work hours.







    If you have any additional information regarding your availability, please let us know below (optional)

    Attach Your Resume

    You may optionally attach your resume to this application. Otherwise, we will request it from your through email.

    File Size Limit: 1 MB
    Supported File Types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf. txt

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]

    Read over your application and verify that the information is correct, then click Send.

    Join Pennine

    Potential candidates can expect to undergo a rigorous, multi-tiered selection process to ensure we find and hire the right candidate for each of our client’s unique sites and requirements. We look for individuals who possess a comprehensive knowledge of security and the right mixture of skills and attributes to deliver the outstanding service we require.

    About Us

    We work hard for our clients from the first day of meeting with them to the last moment they require us.

    Security Services

    Pennine was founded on the premise of raising the level of service in the private security sector, enhancing professionalism throughout the industry and bringing employee appreciation to the forefront of the business.

    Contact Info

    Pennine Security Solutions

    Toll Free: (813) 734-4435

    1211 N West Shore Blvd, Suite 419
    Tampa, FL 33607